Monday, April 22, 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (softskill) = 30 sentences

Nama : Eko Dwi Kartiko
NPM  : 22210309
Kelas : 3EB22
1. 10 ( S + V1 )
1. My Full Name is Eko Dwi kartiko.
2. My family calls me Eko/Tiko.
3. Fried rice is one of my favorite foods.
4. Football is the sport I really like.
5. My Sister blow candles for her birthday.
6. My arm  got injured several month ago.
7. Mom gives me a new phone.
8. I learn to read Italian language by myself.
9. My favorite black shoe just wetness today.
10. My bird grows up so fast.

2. 10 ( S + be + Adj )
1. My mother is the greatest mom in the world.
2. My sister is diligent.
3. I am the second tallest at home.
4. My bird fly so high.
5. I eat a lot.
6. My Sister and I like Baby.
7. My mother cooks taste great.
My friend always smiles when he played football.
9. I play playstation.
10. Blue is my mother and sister's favorite color.

3. 10 ( S + be + Adv)
I almost punched my bird yesterday.
2. Dad talks really loud.
3. My neighbor can be very noisy at mid night.
4. The jeans I bought yesterday just fit me perfectly.
5. My friend play football greatly.
6. The football match I watched last month was unbelievingly awesome.
I put my handphone gently on the pocket.
My mother so scared with my cats.
9. My mother cut the fruits skillfully.
My cousin styled like a model

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